The Bethlehem Garden Club is a not-for-profit, all-inclusive community group for gardeners of all abilities - from novice to master level.
You do not need to live in the Town of Bethlehem to join. We welcome all!
Bring a buddy and join one of our monthly meetings!
MONTHLY MEETINGS usually in Delmar
DAY MEETINGS: Usually 2nd Wednesday of every month @1PM
NIGHT MEETINGS: Usually 1st Thursday of every month @ 7PM
Interested in joining? Click HERE
Bethlehem Garden Club Mission Statement
Serve the Community
Take an active role in beautification of our town by promoting collaborative endeavors with the town, businesses and other organizations toward beautifying our streets and public places. We will provide trees, plant materials and expertise as consultants toward improving the appearance of our town.
Host a garden tour in the Town of Bethlehem.
Conserve Our Natural Resources
Continue an active program within the club to educate our members as to the dangers of pesticide use; how to promote gardening balance; and how we can best aid and live in harmony with the wildlife around us.
Continue our relationship with and build connections with local fellow environmental organizations. groups, organizations.
Support Education
Annually offer an Educational/Environmental Grants to local schools and not-for-profit organizations interested in enhancing their environmental science curriculum or developing programs.
Increase Our Knowledge
Offer programs to our members regarding horticulture, flower arranging, techniques in garden planning, maintenance, food growing, and nature conservancy.
Encourage our members to actively share their knowledge with others both within the club and with the community!

To conserve our precious natural resources and respect nature

To educate members and the community on gardening and environmental issues

To provide financial grants to local groups working on gardens or environmental projects